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Returns & Refund Policy

If you’re looking to return or exchange your order we're here to help! We offer free returns within 14 days of purchase.

Returns will only be accepted if the item is damaged, defective, or the wrong size was shipped.

You can return your product for a different product, a full refund or store credit. Any refunds will be credited back to you using your original payment method, e.g. online credit card. Please allow up to 30 days for the refund to appear back on your statement. Store credits can be used for future purchases on our website and do not expire.

If a product is faulty, you will be required to take photo proof of the faulty product and the packaging it arrived in, within five days of receipt of delivery and send the photo directly to

If you wish to return a product, you will need to contact us with your order number at and describe the reason(s) you wish to return your item(s).

Once a return has been received and accepted, Kalarah will arrange for a refund back to the original payment method (this may take up to 30 days to appear on your statement), or issue you with a credit note for the Kalarah website.

Please note the following exceptions to our return and refund policy:

Discounted items are final and cannot be returned or exchanged

Made-To-Measure or Made-To-Order items cannot be returned or exchanged.

Returned items must have tags still on and be returned in original product packaging.

Returned items must have no visible signs of wear or use
